Highly successful people have habits that help them to stay focused on their goals. Everyone is different, but practices prevalent among the most accomplished include reading, exercising, gratitude, and meditating/quiet time. Morning routines include these and other activities, such as reviewing the day's calendar.
Many people at the top of the success ladder are avid readers with a hunger for continuous learning. You will often find the books they read fall into the categories of leadership, self-help, biographies of other successful people, and technical publications.
On this page, we will include books related to "Habits" that you may be interested in reading. Periodically, we may add a review of one of the books listed.
Do you have a favorite book you think we should include on our list? If so, please send us the title, author and a short paragraph about why you think we should include your recommendation on this page. Email your suggestion to connect@professionallysuited.com and include "Book List" on the subject line of your email.
Book List
Achieve Personal and Professional Growth
with DISC Behavioral Assessment
Success at work, at home, and with social relationships stems from first understanding one’s self – of deeply comprehending who you are, what you do, and how you do it, and realizing how others perceive the same about you.
Behavioral Assessments identify your unique talents, your communication style, and how your positive characteristics can be valuable in the workplace.
Each of our Job Search Support and Coaching packages includes a DISC Behavioral Strengths and Communication Styles Assessment.
The research-based, validated assessments we use at Professionally Suited measure communication styles and behaviors intensity levels in four dimensions using the DISC theory.
DISC Assessments determine:
How you respond to problems and challenges,
Your comfort level in influencing others,
Your preferences toward the pace of your environment, and
Tendencies regarding your desire for data, rules, policies and procedures.
Each of our DISC assessments includes a one-hour 1:1 coaching session to explain the results and answer questions.